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IFRS 15 — Revenue

IFRS 15 — Revenue






Revenue from contracts with customers

我们收入的确认的时间点就是我们这一货物或者是服务的风险以及报酬转移的时候when there is transfer of control to the customer from the entity supplying the goods or services.


Identity Contract

A contract is only in scope when:

  • The parties are committed to carrying it out
  • Each party’s rights to be transferred can be identified
  • The payment terms can be identified
  • The contract has commercial substance
  • It is probable the entity will collect the consideration
Identify performance obligations

A performance obligation is a promise to transfer a good or service to a customer. Performance obligations should be accounted for separately provided the good or service is distinct.

Where a promised good or service is not distinct, it is combined with others until a distinct bundle of goods or services is identified.


Determine transaction price

The amount to which the entity expects to be ‘entitled’ Probability-weighted expected value or most likely amount used

for variable consideration

Discounting not required where less than one year

对于这里来说,我们有一种比较稍微复杂的Price的情况,也就是Contingent /Variable Consideration.对于Variable Consideration来说,我们应该使用EV或者是MLA来进行预测。

对于一个Entity来说,我们将其包括在Transaction Price之中,当且仅当其很有可能会发生,并且其金额并不是Significant的时候,如果将这些Variable Consideration包含在Transaction Cost之中没有一个好的分配的方式的话,我们就要评估是不是应该包括这部分的Consideration了。

并且对于时间价值来说,其实我们也是需要考虑的一个重要的部分,如果说这个是一个Significant Part in present 的话,我们需要做一个Unwinding的操作。

Allocate transaction price to performance obligations

Multiple deliverables: transaction price allocated to each separate performance obligation in proportion to the stand-alone selling price at contract inception of each performance obligation

当然和公允价值类似,如果说我们的Standalone Price无法找到的话,我们就去使用市场上的相类似的产品的价格来作为一个代替的操作。

当价格之中包括了一些Variable Amount或者说是Discount的话,我们需要考虑这些东西是否是和其中的Obligation相关的部分。如果属实相关的话,我们要选择去将其分配进入Contract之中。

Recognise revenue when (or as) performance obligation is satisfied

Ie when entity transfers control of a promised good or service to a customer

An entity must be able to reasonably measure the outcome of a performance obligation before the revenue can be recognised.

Contract costs

The incremental costs of obtaining a contract eg sale commission are recognised as an asset if the entity expects to recover those costs.

Costs that would have been incurred regardless of the contract being obtained are recognised as an expense as incurred.

我们对于满足以下的条件的费用作为我们的Contract Cost

  • 直接的和我们的合同挂钩的费用:The costs relate directly to an identifiable contract;
  • 我们的这个费用,可以产生或者是提高我们现有的资源的水平,并且在未来我们的企业可以使用它来应对我们的未来的业务。The costs generate or enhance resources of the entity that will be used in satisfying performance obligations in the future; and
  • 我们的这个费用在未来可以收回,也就是说现金流并不是一个负数The costs are expected to be recovered.



Principal versus agent


An entity is a principal if it controls the promised goods or services before they are transferred to the customer. The gross amount of consideration is recognised when the performance obligation is satisfied.

An entity is an agent if its performance obligation is to arrange the provision of goods or services by another party. Revenue will be the amount of any fee or commission.

Repurchase – Repos


  • 第一种是远期合约
  • 第二种是看涨期权
  • 第三种是看跌期权



Consignment arrangements

The customer does not obtain control of the product at the delivery date. The inventory remains in the books of the entity and revenue is not recognised until control passes.


Bill and hold arrangements

Goods are sold but remain in the possession of the seller for a specified period of time.

An entity will need to determine at what point the customer obtains control of the product.

For a customer to have obtained control of a product in a bill and hold arrangement the following criteria must be met:

  • The reason for the bill and hold must be substantive.
  • The product must be separately identified as belonging to the customer.
    • The product must be ready for physical transfer to the customer
    • The entity cannot have the ability to use the product or transfer it to another customer.


An entity may transfer a good or service over time thus the revenue would be recognised over time.

An entity must determine the amounts to include as revenue and costs in each accounting period where performance obligations are satisfied over time.


  1. Survey of performance completed to date
  2. Appraisals of results achieved
  3. Time elapsed
  4. Units produced or delivered


  1. Resources consumed
  2. Labour hours expended
  3. Costs incurred
  4. Time elapsed
  5. Machine hours used





很简单,我们的整个合同的价值乘上我们的完成度,这样就可以得到了我们的Revenue,相应的,我们如果使用我们的整个合同的成本来乘上我们的完成度,这样子我们就可以得到了我们的Cost of Sales,这样子我们就得到了我们的当年在这样的一个合同上面的利润。

然后我们将我们合同上面的利润放进我们的资产负债表之中,加上我们现在已经花费的成本,这个操作就是,我们的利润加上我们的一直到现在的成本,其实这个的意思有点点像是我们的FVTPL,也就是说我们的价值,就是我们累计花掉的钱加上我们赚的钱,作为我们的资产的价值,然后减去Receivable的话,可以看成是,我们合同里面的价格已经转换成为了一部分是我们真实存在的资产了,那么这部分当然不能够被保存在我们的Contract Assets之中。

但是需要注意的是loss是immediately的确认的,也就是我们如果产生了loss那么不portition,就确认loss,然后按照partition记录revenue 经过balancing number得到cost


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