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IAS 17 — Leases

IAS 17 — Leases



Certain types of contracts where a company leases an asset from another company are very similar in substance to the outright purchase of that asset. This is true even if legal title to the asset never passes to the lessee. If these leases are accounted for in accordance with the strict legal form a company’s assets and liabilities are likely to be understated with the consequent impact on gearing and other ratios.

上面就是实质大于形式的定义。如果我们在实质大于形式的这样的一个原则上面出错了,我们将其称为’off balance sheet’



A contract, or part of a contract, that conveys the right to use an asset, the underlying asset, for a period of time in exchange for consideration.

那么什么是Underlying Assets呢?

An asset that is the subject of a lease, for which the right to use that asset has been provided by a lessor to a lessee.

Finance lease

A  finance lease is a lease that lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset .It can be considered ,to be ,like hire purchase ,a form of instalment credit .

For lessors ,but not lessees ,finance leases are distinguished from operating leases.

The Accounting treatment

IFRS 16 requires the amount due from the lessee under a finance lease to be recorded in the SOFP of a lessor as a receivable at the amount of the net investment in the lease.

The lease payments (Excluding costs for services)relating to the accounting period should be applied against the gross investment in the lease ,so as to reduce both the principal and the unearned finance income IFRS 16 — 租赁

Manufacturer/dealer lessors

IFRS 16 looks at the situation where manufacturers or dealers offer customers the choice of either buying or leasing an asset. There will be two types of income under such a lease.

a) Profit/loss equal to that from an outright sale (normal selling price less any discount)

b) Finance income over the lease term


借:应收账款 120

贷:收入 120




Operation Lease



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